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  • Writer's pictureHeather Portillo

Plans, Details and Derailments

As a mom, I am all about having a plan. I need structure, details and a good solid itinerary to help me stay on track. After all, I have always heard that “consistency is key”. But how often have you felt that things were not going as you planned or how you thought they should? If you are like me, then you have frequently thought this. Life has for sure not gone the way I had planned. First, falling in love and not only that, but the person I fell for had a child already. And then, coming from a family where I would be the first blended family. That was very unexpected for my family and at times difficult for them to embrace. After that, I became pregnant before we were married. I grew up in a Christian home. I went to church EVERY Sunday. I knew better. I left myself vulnerable to give Satan a platform. I would think things like “He will never love me like he loved her.” “You will never be a mom to your stepson, he already has one, he doesn’t need you.” “How can you call yourself a Christian, you are morally broken because you gave in to premarital sex.” “You will never be good enough.” These are all thoughts I struggle with. It is so easy to feel like you don’t measure up or so and so is better than you. But I know and you should know that God has a plan. And it is so easy to let the other thoughts consume you but Our GOD is BIGGER than all of that. I know that it really worried me that this was NOT how it was supposed to be. God made us to have free will, to make those choices. The bible says in Deuteronomy 11: 26 “Look, today I am giving you the choice between a blessing and a curse!” We all have a story about what has happened in our lives and we can grow from them and minister to others or we could harbor all of the anger, all of the shame and all of the jealousy, but how can you bring Glory to the Kingdom? And how can you change someone’s life for the positive? So many times I was so done. How could God use me? I am just a mom, just a wife, (insert your Just here) But I want to tell you, God’s got this! God wants to use your story. He knew you from the beginning .God has planned it all out in advance. He will give you the instructions for the day when you show up ready to go because He’s more concerned with your full obedience than your full understanding. Trust in God, show up and obey him and you know what? Things WILL all work out. Sometimes our lives may go off the track, maybe by accident or sometimes by our own demise. Like me, I even tested the limits, rebelled and God loved me through all the “yuck” and unplanned craziness. He knows how everything will play out, and he can see around corners we cannot. He truly has blessed me, even in what I thought was a bad situation at the time it led me here. He led me to a perfectly imperfect marriage, a houseful of laughter by three wonderful kids, and an incredible ministry that I get to be a part of everyday. My love tank is full. And by no means is everything rainbows and butterflies, but it is up to me to live every day for Him and to continue thanking Him and continuing to pray. Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Phillipians 4:6 So, my challenge for you this month is; 1. Get out your calendar. 2. Write down in each day of the week at least one thing you are thankful for and one prayer request. God wants us to give it to him, so do not be afraid to ask. How can God work if you will not let him in? I leave you with this powerful verse that I will share with you from Psalm 119:2; AMP “Blessed (happy, fortunate, to be envied) are they who keep His testimonies, and who seek, inquire for and of Him and crave Him with the whole heart.”

Originally Posted By Ashley Williams on September 30, 2013

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